第5回まち中つながる展覧会 コラム

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〈まち中〉が展示協力する 第13回『新池袋モンパルナス西口まちかど回遊美術館』内「まち中つながるまちかど美術展」巣鴨信用金庫椎名町支店に展示されているイラストレーター・Kpedくん。
Kped:父の影響で、僕や兄弟も小さい頃から絵を描いていたんです。人や周りにあるもの、目に入るもの、何でも描いてましたね。それから高校生くらいになって、マンガに挑戦してみたんです。でも、同じキャラクターを何回も同じように描くのがどうも上手くいかなくて。 その頃からテーマや対象について作品を描き始めました。常にスケッチブックを持ち歩いてて、思い付いたアイデアやイメージを描き落としてます。
Kped:ピザで縄跳びしている作品『Dream of Goal』は、運動しなきゃ!っていう思いから描いたものです(笑)。運動したいけど、美味しいものも食べたいというイメージ。 卵のパックの作品『Telur(卵) Thought』は、毎日色々なイメージやアイデアを思い付く卵一つ一つが僕で、でも、それを使うと割れてなくなって行ってしまう というイメージです。 ご飯を食べながらスマートフォン観ている作品『I Love You Body』は、最近『カウボーイ・ビバップ』というアニメを見始めたら止まらなくて、ご飯を食べている間もアニメを見ている僕の姿です(笑) 『For All』は、どうしたら自分が自分や周りの人たちを満足させられるのかなぁと考えていて、自分が一口サイズの缶詰に入れば周りのみんなが自分を少しづつ楽しめるかな、と。
――インスタグラムで見ている作品達が君自身を表したものだとは知らなかったよ(笑) 作品の主なテーマや、描く時に気をつけていることなんかはある?
Kped:伝えたいことというよりかは、基本的には思い付いたことをイラスト的に落とし込んでます。人を描く時にはパースやバランスがおかしくならないように特に気をつけたりとか。 今は色んなパターンの絵を練習して 自分の型が定まっていないので、だいたい月ごとにテーマを変えて描いて自分の形を形成探っています。少し前は丸い文字の中にイラストを描いてみたり、最近は日常の中で思い付いたことをキャラクターにしていました。
Kped:親切で、丁寧で、時間の管理がしっかりしていて、文化的で機能的。あと早く動いてる感じ(笑) レジや出入り口では必ず列を作るし。マレーシアでは“我先に!”というのが普通だから、素晴らしいなぁと。僕がシンガポールに遊びに行った時、エレベーターのドアの真正面で待っていて、ドアが開いて降りて来た白人紳士に「お前はドアの脇に列を作るというマナーを知らない、さてはマレーシア人だな!?」と厳しい顔で言われ、へへへと照れ笑いして脇に避けたりしてた(笑) 東京に行ったらまずは食料品店に行ってみたい。友達が「日本の文房具屋に行けば欲しい物が何でも手に入るぞ」と言ってたから(笑) それからNeighborhoodなど原宿の服屋にも行ってみたい。あとは秋葉原かなぁ。
At the Chinese “food stall” style restaurant on Allow street, Kuala Lumpur;
― First of all, when did you start drawing a picture from about?
Kped: OK. My father is a hobbyist and drawing is one of them. So me and other brothers had been writing pictures with my father since I was little. People, things around me, what I can see everything was drawn anyway. Then when I was a high school student, I tried to draw manga. But it did not work to draw the same character many times in the same way. Since then, I began working on one theme and subject to create as one artwork. Usually I carry a sketchbook and draw down ideas and images I came up with.
― The artwork exhibited this time, what ideas and images are you coming up with?
Kped: Artwork which skipping rope of pizza, “Dream of Goal”, from the thought that I have to exercise [laughs]. I need to do exercise, at the same time I want to eat something delicious such as pizza, so I combine pizza and jump rope [exercise] together. Then artworks about egg pack, “Telur [Egg] Thought”. I think of various images and ideas in everyday life, eggs one by one is my image and idea, if they use them, it will break up and go away, something like this. An other one which the guy watching smartphone while eating, “I Love You Body”, recently I started watching an animation called "Cowboy Bebop" and I couldn’t stop, so I was watching it while eating [laughs]. The last one, “For All”, when I was drawing it I was thinking if only I can satisfied of my sufferings like my friends, family, partner and myself. So I was imaging if I am a “bite size” caned food, then I will be enough for everyone. Everyone can have a little bit of me.
― Wow, I did not know that the artworks which I usually see on Instagram are the ones that represented yourself [laughs].
Do you have any main theme through of your artwork, what you want to convey, and what do are care about when drawing it?
Kped: Rather than saying what I want to tell, basically I put down what I came up with illustratively. When drawing people, paying particular attention so that scale and balance will not be strange. Right now I am changing the theme about each month because I have not decided my type or what should I draw yet, rather than the time to practice various patterns of pictures and form my own shape. Some time ago I dropped an illustration in a round letter, and recently I incorporated things in my everyday life into a character.
― Do you have any work affected by comics or movies?
Kped: I read Japanese Manga and American comics a lot. I likes it. Naoki Urasawa's "20th Century Boys" and "Pluto" [“Astro Boy” is the original story of that, right!? He added], Katsuhiro Otomo's "Akira" and so on. More over, I also like Kim Jong Gi's comic and James Jean's paintings. There are also manga in Malaysia from long ago, but I feel that these are too strongly influenced by Japanese comics. When I open Malaysia’s manga, the picture that is visible as soon as it seems like Japanese comics. I do not have any particular manga artists who are Malaysians.
― By the way, you seem to be closely watching Japanese comics and animation, what kind of image do you have about Tokyo?
Kped: Kind, polite, time-conscious, cultural and functional. And they move so fast! [laughs] Japanese people always make a queue at the cashier and doorway, but Malaysian are normally go without care about others, I think that such a point is wonderful. When I went to Singapore, waiting right in front of the elevator door, a white gentleman who came down from elevator and said, "You do not know the manner of making a queue beside the door, you may be a Malaysian, right?!". At that time, I was just smiling to the side and stepped aside. If I going to go Tokyo, I want to go to a grocery store. My friend told me “if you go to grocery store in Japan, you can buy everything you want!” [laughs]. And then, I want to go to Harajuku to see real “Neighborhood” or these kind of Japanese famous fashion shop. Also want to go to Akihabara.
― Do you have any dream, or any goal?
Kped: I wanna be a graphic designer. I would like to design advertisements, websites, T-shirts and packages. Now I’m receiving training about codecs, and I’m thinking that I am trained the codecs and that such knowledge would connect to the creation of webs that I would like to do more in the future.